Road, car, wood

Our Sustainability Strategy

Acting and operating responsibly.


Mobility is a fundamental prerequisite for our economic and social development. It enables the exchange of ideas and goods, promotes innovation, and connects people across borders. For many, automotive mobility also represents a sense of freedom and is an indispensable part of daily life, both now and in the future.

We are currently witnessing a rapid transformation in mobility: electromobility, digitalization, and the development of connected, intelligent, and eventually autonomous vehicles play a crucial role and pave the way for new business models – especially the flexible access to vehicles (VoD) is becoming increasingly relevant.

Sustainability, particularly the decarbonization of mobility, is a core aspect of this transformation. The driving forces are the increasingly noticeable effects of climate change, heightened consumer awareness towards sustainable living, and not least, regulatory frameworks.

Konferenz- und Finanzcenter VWFS

Our mission

Volkswagen Financial Services AG is the largest automotive financial and mobility service provider in Europe. As a wholly owned subsidiary and sales promoter of the Volkswagen Group, we play a major role in the sustainable transformation of mobility.

Our mission is to meet our customers' mobility needs with sustainable solutions throughout the entire vehicle lifecycle.

Sustainability is thus an important element of our business activity. We are convinced that we can only successfully implement our business model in the future through responsible and forward-thinking actions.

Our Code of Conduct serves as the basis for sustainable actions and operations.


We adhere to clear and unyielding principles in sustainability that guide our business activities and commitments in all areas. These principles apply to all employees – from apprentices to the board of directors.

Within the framework of our Code of Conduct, every individual is responsible for honest, integral, and compliant behavior in line with our corporate ethos. More information can be found in the Integrity and Compliance section.

  1. We protect and strengthen our environment.
  2. We treat people with dignity and respect.
  3. We act with integrity and in compliance with regulations.
  4. We recognize our responsibility in society.
  5. We enable sustainable mobility and business models.

What does sustainability mean for Volkswagen Financial Services?

We understand sustainability as a holistic concept. For us, sustainability is not a single goal or a one-time measure. It is a comprehensive strategy that permeates all aspects of our actions and decisions, ensuring the long-term success and value creation of our company.

We view sustainability as an ongoing process. We do not act statically but adapt our path continuously and consistently. This is done not in isolation but based on internal and external assessments and validations – always in close coordination with the Volkswagen Group. For example, according to the global ESG ranking by Sustainalytics, we are among the top 6 percent of the 200 evaluated companies.



Within our core business...

...we incorporate environmental aspects into product development and create incentives for resource-efficient mobility. An important aspect of our corporate responsibility is to protect the environment in our operational processes1. We aim to use natural resources sparingly and prioritize environmentally friendly products within the bounds of economic feasibility.

Outside our core business...

...we take on social responsibility and engage regionally and locally in our 18 markets – with social projects, sports sponsorships in the region, and the promotion of cultural life. For our employees, we are a top employer because we respect their interests and offer attractive and diverse work tasks. We actively contribute to sustainable development at our locations.

1 Direct CO2 emissions from heating oil and refrigerants, petrol and diesel from company cars; indirect CO2 emissions from district heating and electricity as well as business trips.



Participation in ESG ratings is playing an increasingly important role for Volkswagen Financial Services. According to Sustainalytics' global ESG ranking, we are currently among the top 6 percent of the 200 companies reviewed.