What we do

Business Fields

of Volkswagen Financial Services.

We are the key to mobility


More than 70 years have passed since the first financial services from Volkswagen came about. Back then – in 1949 – the Volkswagen Group founded "Volkswagen Finanzierungsgesellschaft mbH", later named "V.A.G. Kredit Bank GmbH" and known today as "Volkswagen Bank GmbH". Even though classic automobile financing is still part of the core business of Volkswagen Financial Services, the range of other services provided has expanded massively over recent years and decades.

In addition to pure vehicle financing, today's business areas include leasing, the direct banking business, vehicle-related services such as maintenance contracts or tire services, insurance, fueling and charging solutions, the rental business including car subscriptions, digital parking services and payment solutions. In addition, Volkswagen Financial Services is developing an integrated mobility platform for the brands of the Volkswagen Group to provide customers with quick, easy and digital access to mobility - from minutes, through hours, days, months and years.

The goal is to keep the customer mobile throughout the entire vehicle lifecycle – "The Key to Mobility" is not just a brand promise, but an elementary component of the corporate DNA of Volkswagen Financial Services.

Our business fields in detail