Volkswagen Leasing GmbH

About Volkswagen Leasing GmbH

Volkswagen Leasing GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen Bank GmbH. With its foundation in 1966, the Volkswagen Group laid the foundation for automobile leasing in Germany. Volkswagen Leasing is responsible for the leasing of new and used vehicles from the Volkswagen Group brands in Germany, Poland, and Italy. Business is mainly directed towards commercial customers – from small craft businesses to large corporations and public authorities. The expansion of private customer leasing is also becoming increasingly important.

Key data of Volkswagen Leasing GmbH

€ million Dec 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021
Total assets 
            54,249            50,659
Loans to and receivables from customers attributable to      
     Dealer financing                  12                       12                        9
     Leasing business          21,137             18,932            18,215
Lease assets          27,708             25,764            23,298
Equity              9,870                6,506              4,631
Thousand vehicles                       2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
New contracts     750   637    646   702
Current contracts 1,978 1,897 1,814 1,721 1,674

Annual Reports

Thank you for your interest in the annual reports of Volkswagen Leasing GmbH. These are available for download here.

Half-Yearly Financial Reports

Thank you for your interest in the half-yearly financial reports of Volkswagen Leasing GmbH. These are available for download here.