The VW FS subsidiary in Greece celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2024. But that’s not all: by acquiring the leasing portfolio of its dealer partner Karenta, VW FS is further strengthening its position in the Greek mobility market.
It's not just in Germany that VW FS is celebrating an anniversary. Our Greek colleagues also have every reason to pop the champagne corks this year. It was almost exactly 20 years ago – in October 2004 to be precise – that VW FS business operations started up in Greece. It all began with traditional vehicle financing for private customers through Volkswagen Bank, which was followed by dealer financing in 2007. Later, AutoEuropa Bank as well as SEAT, Škoda and Ducati Financial Services joined the financing lineup. In 2018, VW FS then entered the leasing business.
At the anniversary event celebrated with employees, dealer partners and representatives from the Volkswagen Group brands, André Warmuth, Country Managing Director of VW FS Greece, made the following point: "Here at our local level, it's clearly evident that our business model also works in smaller and more fragmented markets. I'm especially pleased that we have been able to intensify our collaboration with brands, importers and dealer partners over the past few years."
He also noted that many process improvements and investments in digitalization have led to VW FS being perceived once again as "collaboration leader in the ecosystem" and "preferred partner".
Volkswagen Financial Services AG is represented in Greece by a branch of Volkswagen Bank and by Volkswagen Financial Services Hellas as leasing company. Around 60 colleagues are currently employed at the headquarters in Athens. Both companies work closely together within the framework of service agreements. Around 40 percent of the Greek automotive market comprises the small vehicle segments (A0 + A1). Tourism is one of the most important drivers and, along with small and medium-sized fleets, provides the greatest potential for growth. The Volkswagen Group brands are represented by the VW Group importers in Greece, Kosmocar (Volkswagen, Škoda, Audi, Bentley), Technocar (SEAT, CUPRA) and Autodynamiki (Porsche), and by the strategic partner Kinsen (Europcar).