Giving back to the community.


Thinking and acting responsibly

In our capacity as a provider of automotive financial services, we are convinced that we will only be able to further implement our business model successfully in future by acting responsibly and with foresight. We therefore regard sustainability and corporate responsibility not as a short-term trend, but as central to our corporate values and the way we see ourselves and as a key pillar of our business strategy.

Our principle, our defining commitment, is to act in accordance with the laws and our core values. One of the things that matters to us is being able to give something back to our community. But the responsibility we have committed ourselves to goes beyond mere compliance with the statutory requirements of corporate governance.

What does corporate responsibility mean for Volkswagen Financial Services?

  • For us, assuming responsibility means orienting our decisions towards the needs of society, our customers, our employees and our shareholders.
  • We offer automotive financial services under one roof and also develop products and services to meet the mobility needs of tomorrow.
  • We operate internationally, but are always locally rooted. Sustainable and responsible business management is important to us.
  • We act reliably and with a focus on protecting the environment, we are an attractive employer, and we are committed to achieving a viable and sustainable society.

In our core business area we integrate environmental considerations into our product development and create incentives for resource-conserving mobility. An important aspect of our corporate responsibility is to preserve the environment in and during our operational processes as well. We want to use natural resources sparingly and, within the limits of what is economically acceptable, give preference to products that are environmentally compatible.

We assume social responsibility outside our core business area as well and involve ourselves regionally and locally in all our 48 markets. We do so in the form of social projects, the sponsoring of sports clubs and events, and the promotion of cultural life. We are a top, first-rate employer for our employees because we respect their interests, offer them attractive and varied work assignments, and give them a say in what goes on. We make an active contribution to ensure that the locations we work in have a viable and sustainable future.

Our CR Coordination is responsible for enhancing our corporate responsibility activities. This section acts as a point of contact for the Volkswagen Group Steering Committee and coordinates regular exchanges between the company's departments internally.

Our Code of Conduct serves as the basis for responsible thinking and action

Our Code of Conduct is an important pillar of our CR understanding and our engagement in this area. It applies to all employees – from trainees to executives.

As part of our Code of Conduct, each individual bears responsibility for acting with honesty, with integrity, and in line with our corporate values and identity.

The Code of Conduct addresses three main topics, which are also reflected in our understanding of CR:

•              Our responsibility as a member of society

•             Our responsibility as a business partner

•             Our responsibility in the workplace

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

You can download the current Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement of Volkswagen Financial Services AG here.