About Us

A brief overview

of Volkswagen Financial Services AG

We are a part of the Volkswagen Group


As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, Volkswagen Financial Services AG, as part of the business division "Volkswagen Group Mobility", manages the European financial and mobility services business for the Volkswagen Group brands. The company is active in 18 markets via subsidiaries, equity investments and joint ventures. This makes Volkswagen Financial Services AG the largest automotive financial services provider in Europe.

As a captive financial services company and sales promoter for the Volkswagen Group, Volkswagen Financial Services pursue the interests of the Group's automobile brands and support them in developing new markets. Thus, Volkswagen Financial Services is an integral part of Volkswagen AG.

Even though the underlying circumstances in the various markets are different, there is one thing all these countries have in common: their customers want to enjoy fast, safe and transparent mobility in their everyday lives. The goal of Volkswagen Financial Services is to fulfill this wish. To do so effectively, the company's broad product portfolio is to be expanded worldwide. In close cooperation with the Europcar Mobility Group, we are also expanding our range of mobility services for periods ranging from a few minutes to several years.


Charging stations at campus of VWFS in Braunschweig.

Long tradition - modern financial services and mobility products


With the founding of Volkswagen Versicherungsdienst in 1948, the Volkswagen Group's first financial service saw the light of day at an early stage. In the years that followed, the foundations for future business success were laid by establishing and expanding the banking, leasing and services business.

Today, Volkswagen Financial Services act as a global sales promoter for the brands of the Volkswagen Group and support them in maintaining customer loyalty by offering a broad range of mobility services. The aim is to offer all customers mobility services ranging from a few hours to several years through a uniform platform – simply, transparently, and digitally. Customer mobility is the core concern at the heart of all Volkswagen Financial Services activities. The brand promise of being "The Key to Mobility" is therefore imprinted our  DNA. The key business fields embrace automotive banking and leasing, insurance and services, and solutions for mobility and payment.

Digitalization also plays a central role at Volkswagen Financial Services. All key services are to be available and ready for conclusion online – in close collaboration with the brands of the Volkswagen Group. This will be possible through a focus on a seamless omni-channel sales approach, allowing customers to freely decide through which path they want to acquire their new vehicle. Whether it is financing or leasing, insurance, or services related to the vehicle – we want to be where our customers expect us to be.

Subsidiaries of Volkswagen Financial Services AG