Volkswagen Financial Services AG


Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 210842


Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Arno Antlitz

Members of the Executive Committee: Dr. Christian Dahlheim (Chairman of the Board), Anthony Bandmann, Dr. Alena Kretzberg,

Frank Fiedler, Dr. Ingrun-Ulla Bartölke

Volkswagen Bank GmbH


Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 1819


Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Björn Bätge

Management Board: Dr. Volker Stadler (Spokesman of the Board), Christian Löbke, Oliver Roes

Volkswagen Leasing GmbH


Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 1858


Management Board: Manuela Voigt (Spokeswoman of the Board),

Hendrik Eggers, Verena Roth

Volkswagen Versicherung AG


Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 200232


Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Anthony Bandmann  

Members of the Executive Committee: Thorsten Krüger (Chairman of the Board), Dr. Marc Weilbeer

Volkswagen Insurance Brokers GmbH


Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 100038


Management Board: Thorsten Krüger, Armin Stückemann

Vehicle Trading International (VTI) GmbH


 Head office of the company: Braunschweig

Braunschweig District Court: HRB 5363


Management Board: Henning Dohrn (Spokesman of the Board), Ralf Nickold, Sebastian Olschewski 

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Anthony Bandmann

Volkswagen Financial Services Overseas AG